Otari School - Te Kura o Otari

When you enter the classroom, you will be shown an adult-sized chair. Please take a comfortable seat in this observation chair. 

When you sit down, our students may come up to you. A polite "hello" and a direct response as to who you are is fine. If the child persists, feel comfortable to ask the child to return to what activity they are doing. The children understand that observers come to watch them and they will understand that you are here to watch their routine. If you need to get a different vantage point, you can ask an available teacher if you can move to a different spot in the classroom.

Don’t be surprised if your child doesn’t respond to having you there in the way that you might expect. Children sometimes respond differently to having their parents in the classroom.  Depending on the circumstances it may be suitable for you and your child to spend the observation time watching the class together if s/he is not able to separate; however we do encourage parents to either arrange an observation before their child begins with us, or wait until their child is settled well into our classroom before doing so, so that your child is not confused about this observation process.

Our teachers pride themselves on being completely focused on and dedicated to the needs of their students. For this reason, the teacher may not be able to take time from teaching to converse with you during or immediately after your observation. We will be glad to answer your questions by telephone or email after the observation.  

166 Wilton Road, Wilton, Wellington 6012 Telephone: 04 475 3018 Email office@otari.school.nz